Nominations sought for Top 25 Under 25 Awards

Surrey Board of Trade honours the city's young business and community boosters and the deadline is May 3.

Nominations sought for Top 25 Under 25 Awards

The Surrey Board of Trade is accepting nominations until Friday, May 3 for the third annual Top 25 Under 25 Awards.

Potential recipients are business and community-minded people under the age of 25, either working in Surrey or working on a business- or community-related project in/for Surrey.

Award criteria:

• Must be working on/worked on a business or community project in Surrey (including students) and/or;

• Must be working in the Surrey business community and/or;

• Must be contributing/have recently contributed to a business or community related project in Surrey and;

•  Must be 25 years of age or younger prior to May 23, 2013.

The top 25 nominees will be recognized as role models in their communities at an awards reception on Thursday, May 23. The event will celebrate the incredible initiatives of Surrey’s youth under the age of 25.

The winners will be chosen based upon a subjective analysis of their business or community achievements, leadership ability, community involvement, professional achievements and uniqueness of their business or community projects.

“At the Surrey Board of Trade, it is in our mandate to grow our business community by instilling in our youth entrepreneurial support and spirit – and for them to be an active part of Surrey,” said Anita Huberman, CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade.

For more information regarding Surrey’s Top 25 Under 25 Awards event,  contact  Huberman at 604-634-0342 or

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