Princeton’s first sidewalk patio opens at Thomasina’s Shoppe

Local artists, Mark and Bettina Wong were enlisted to create a patio design suitable for Thomasina’s and the Town of Princeton.

Inspired by the natural landscape of the area, Mark and Bettina Wong created the design for the first sidewalk patio in Princeton. The Wong’s worked with the Town in order to adhere to safety standards and came up with an idea that was suitable and that both Thomasina and Jerome say they, “just love.”

Inspired by the natural landscape of the area, Mark and Bettina Wong created the design for the first sidewalk patio in Princeton. The Wong’s worked with the Town in order to adhere to safety standards and came up with an idea that was suitable and that both Thomasina and Jerome say they, “just love.”

Having admired their work an display in the Sunflower Gallery, Thomasina of Thomasina’s Shoppe knew exactly who she wanted to design her outdoor patio.

Local artists, Mark and Bettina Wong were enlisted to create a patio design suitable for Thomasina’s and the Town of Princeton.

The couple say they are, “extremely excited with this project.” Mark went to work  with the aid of Rick Zerr and Kevin Huey of the Town of Princeton and planning was done according to zoning and safety standards.

Drawing inspiration from the natural landscape of the area, the Wongs got to work in their shop and spent two weeks on the design and actual building of the patio.

The Wong’s brought the wrought-iron patio pieces in and set it all up to ensure proper fitting a few weeks ago.  It was then sent out for powder-coating.

Last week all the pieces were brought back and set up for the summertime patio season.

“I just love it,” said Thomasina. “Mark and Bettina not only did a beautiful job, but they made it work for us financially as well,” she added.

Mike Grgich Contracting was also hired to help build the patio. He and his company designed a removable pedestrian walkway that provides access to and around the patio.

Thomasina’s is now open seven days a week and offers a special family night dinner; all-you-can-eat Spaghetti night on Thursdays. The pasta is handmade.

Tapas Night is held on Fridays — Thomasina and Jerome extend an invitation to come and enjoy an dinner out on their new and licensed sidewalk patio.

You can follow what’s new at Thomasina’s by liking them on Facebook,, visiting them online at or by stopping in at 279 Bridge Street. For take out, call 250-295-3810.


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