Kwantlen Polytechnic University student Sana Sohel addressed KPU representatives, students and donors at the university foundation's 26th annual scholarships and awards dinner.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University student Sana Sohel addressed KPU representatives, students and donors at the university foundation's 26th annual scholarships and awards dinner.

Record-breaking night for KPU

Awards night celebrates students’ success and achievements

Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) held its biggest awards night yet, with a record-breaking $750,000 in scholarships, awards and bursaries going to KPU students this fall.

Hosted by the KPU Foundation at Richmond’s River Rock, the 26th annual scholarships and awards dinner —which combined KPU’s general awards night with the School of Business awards — saw over 470 students, donors and KPU representatives come out to celebrate student success and achievement.

The event was the biggest awards night in the university’s 31-year history, with the most dollars donated, awards received – over 440 – and guests in attendance.

“When we receive awards, we gain more than support, or the means to further our education. Recognition by donors, by industry, by our university empowers the students who will be the next generation of intellectuals, visionaries, activists and entrepreneurs. Being recognized as valuable citizens within our community empowers our potential,” said Sana Sohel, a Faculty of Arts creative writing major who spoke on behalf of KPU students.

The keynote on behalf of donors and industry was given by Envision Financial President Shelley Besse, who spoke of the importance of supporting students and post-secondary education.

“At Envision Financial, our organization is committed to making a meaningful difference in our local communities and to partnering with other local organizations who share our commitment,” she said. “That’s why we are proud to be long-time supporters of Kwantlen Polytechnic University,” Besse said. “KPU is a well-respected educational institution that is known for academic excellence and for the high caliber of its students. We are proud to support Kwantlen in its efforts to ensure that tomorrow’s leaders receive an exceptional educational experience.”

Each year, the KPU Foundation hosts its annual scholarships and awards night in one of the communities KPU serves. In addition to providing students with recognition and financial support, the event allows donors to meet their award recipients and network with future potential employees. KPU students also have the chance to connect with community leaders who understand and value the importance of post-secondary education.

Langley Times