Valley First treats local families to free movie night

The Valley First Blue Blitz team surprised residents of Princeton, on Friday with a free pass to the The Lego Movie.

The Valley First Blue Blitz team  consisting of Lindsay Wozniak, Leslie Edwards, Cheryl Rempel, Linda Thompson, Martin Hough, Suzanne Holland, Shannon White and Norma Tremblay surprised residents of Princeton, on Friday with a free pass to the The Lego Movie.

The Valley First Blue Blitz team consisting of Lindsay Wozniak, Leslie Edwards, Cheryl Rempel, Linda Thompson, Martin Hough, Suzanne Holland, Shannon White and Norma Tremblay surprised residents of Princeton, on Friday with a free pass to the The Lego Movie.

The Valley First Blue Blitz team consisting of Lindsay Wozniak, Leslie Edwards, Cheryl Rempel, Linda Thompson, Martin Hough, Suzanne Holland, Shannon White and Norma Tremblay surprised residents of Princeton, on Friday with a free pass to the The Lego Movie.

A Blue Blitz, performed by Valley First Credit Union and Insurance employees is otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness and are carried on throughout the community at various times during the year. “We enjoy getting out into the community and making a difference,” said local branch manager, Suzanne Holland.”

The surprise treat included free popcorn and a Lego toy for each child, complements of Valley First.

“This is just great and so nice of them,” said Nadine McEwen, Recreation and Cultural Coordinator  for the Town Of Princeton, “They gave me a call and we made it happen.”


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