Westmill Industries earns prestigious award

An Aldergrove-based company has earned top marks for its innovation in the veneer wood manufacturing industry.

An Aldergrove-based company has earned top marks for its innovation in the veneer wood manufacturing industry.

Westmill Industries Ltd. won the prestigious Supplier of the Year Award in the Materials/Supplies category of the Engineered Wood Technology Association’s (EWTA) annual Supplier of the Year Awards program.

The program is designed to recognize companies that excel at providing high quality and superior delivery of products, equipment and services to the North American engineered wood products industry.

Award winners are selected by member companies of APA—The Engineered Wood Association, the leading North American association of structural engineered wood product manufacturers.

EWTA, a related nonprofit organization of APA based in Tacoma, Wash., is comprised of industry product, equipment and service providers from around the world. It serves as an information clearinghouse and networking vehicle connecting engineered wood product manufacturers and their suppliers.

Westmill was presented the award at a special ceremony held during APA’s annual meeting in Huntington Beach, Calif. on Nov. 4. Mike Crondahl, Westmill’s President, accepted the award before more than 300 APA and EWTA members and other invited industry guests.

Westmill Industries has been serving the panelboard industry for 35 years.

Westmill offers new dryers, rebuilds older dryers as well as provides dryer replacement parts to all of the plywood plants in North America by utilizing their strategic dryer parts inventory locations in Atlanta GA, Eugene OR and Vancouver, B.C.

Westmill provides on-site veneer dryer inspection and consulting services.

Westmill also offers a patented green veneer moisture measuring technology called LightSORT which provides a highly accurate, vision-based green veneer moisture sorting.

Aldergrove Star