White Rock BIA executive director search continues

The White Rock BIA is anticipating having a new leader next month.

The White Rock BIA is anticipating having a new leader next month.

In a newsletter issued Nov. 4, the association announced its 2016-17 board members and advised that more than 50 people had applied for the role of executive director.

The position has been vacant since the August resignation of Douglas Smith, who had held the role for two years.

The Nov. 4 update notes the goal is to find a personable representative who has the education, skills and experience for the job.

“We are determined to hire a person who comes off immediately as highly professional, and who is a good listener,” the update states.

“Accordingly, we are scheduling brief ‘meet and greet’ interviews and are prepared to eliminate any persons who do not meet these personality requirements.”

There are currently nine board members: president Ernie Klassen, vice-president Susy Tucker, secretary Anna Christie and treasurer Ben Machel, as well as Terry Ross, Dr. Carlos Lapena, Dr. Jennifer Hammersmark, Sandy Saran and Pav Manchanda.

Peace Arch News