Artists at work at the CR Art Gallery

See popular local artists Carole Goodwin and Jill Paris Rody at work and to sample tea from The Gathering Place Trading Company

If you’re in downtown Campbell River Saturday, Dec. 21, be sure to stop by the Campbell River Art Gallery Christmas Market from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. to see popular local artists Carole Goodwin and Jill Paris Rody at work and to sample tea from The Gathering Place Trading Company.

Goodwin and Paris Rody often work and exhibit together and you can see their paintings on display at the Christmas Market.

Goodwin is inspired by the diverse beauty of Vancouver Island. Her current work is mostly experimental, using mixed media and acrylic paint. She uses collage, gels and other mediums to create texture, which is then covered with gold or silver leaf.

“When I paint I look for a spiritual connection to my subject, as I desire to feel the oneness of nature and acknowledge my connectedness to it,” Goodwin said.

Paris Rody paints to convey the colour and mystery of intimate spaces in her artwork. She travels with her camera, to capture moments in time, and she seeks to illustrate a dream-like peace and tranquility in her paintings. She begins each work with a painterly sketch, then blocks in form and value followed by strong statements of colour.

“All the while I’m thinking of my relationship to the scene, and how it touches me emotionally,” Paris Rody said.

The Gathering Place Trading Company’s organic and fairly traded products come from family or cooperative farms in developing countries and they give back 13 per cent of their profits to improve the lives of children in need. They sell everything from teas to spices, sea salts and more. Sample their tea when you visit the Gallery Saturday and check out all their other wonderful products!


The CR Art Gallery’s Christmas Arts and Crafts Market, sponsored by Chan, Nowosad and Boates, Chartered Market features the work of dozens of artisans from Campbell River, Quadra Island, Cortes Island and other communities in the region.

Be sure to stop by the Market this Saturday, Dec. 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for a tea sample from The Gathering Place and to see Carole Goodwin and Jill Paris Rody at work.

For more information, stop by the Gallery from Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., call 250-287-2261 or email

Campbell River Mirror