Batman show supports fringe-style theatre

Batman is lending a hand to establish a fringe-style theatre festival in Nanaimo this fall.

Organizers of the Fringetastic Theatre Festival, set for Sept. 8-11, are producing the third in a series of fundraisers, with a variety show featuring a stage adaptation of a Batman cartoon episode from the 1960s.

In addition to Batman, the show will also see performances by members of Naughty and Spice Burlesque, Nicole Nattress and a rendition of everyone’s favourite video game Super Mario.

The night also features readings of popular literature in the  humourous style of Sara Bynoe’s Say Wha? spoken word.

Jeremy Banks, artistic producer of Fringetastic, will announce theatre companies and groups committed to the festival.

Performers interested in participating in the festival in September can still apply through the website at

The variety show is set for Saturday (May 7) at Nanaimo Centre Stage, 25 Victoria Rd., next to the old Caprice Theatre. Doors open at 7 p.m. with a cash bar. Tickets $10 and available online at or at the door.

Nanaimo News Bulletin