Living up to its title, Cold takes the viewer to 8,000 metres on Gasherbrum I.

Living up to its title, Cold takes the viewer to 8,000 metres on Gasherbrum I.

Best of Banff Films back in town

Every year filmmakers and adventurers gather in Banff for a week long festival and at the end prizes are awarded

The Best of the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour returns to Campbell River and Quadra Island for its annual shows at the end of November.

Every year filmmakers and adventurers gather in Banff for a week long festival and at the end prizes are awarded and a selection made that hits the road and travels worldwide.

Amongst the films entered this year is ‘Cold’ a 19 minute film directed and produced by Anson Fogel.

Cold takes the viewer to 8000 metres to experience Gasherbrum II in the middle of a deep, dark winter as seen from the raw, honest perspective of alpinist Cory Richard’s camera. This film deftly captures the interwoven roles of pain, fear, and doubt – and reveals a harrowing descent that amplifies their isolation and exposure.

Another film catching the organizers’ eye is ‘On the Trail of Genghis Khan: The Last Frontier’. Directed by Tim Cope it shows an epic journey of truly historic proportions, Australian Tim Cope, his band of horses, and his dog Tigon travel overland 10,000 km from Mongolia to Hungary, following the footsteps of legendary warrior and nomad Genghis Khan. Cope visits distant parts of the world rarely seen, places on the cusp of modernity yet proud of nomadic traditions. The Last Frontier captures the culmination of his stunning three-year journey, the crossing of the Carpathian Mountains.

The exact lineup is usually available closer to the screening date as the main Banff Festival is still underway. Keep an eye on for details.

This year’s shows are on Friday, Nov. 25 at the Tidemark Theatre in Campbell River and on Saturday, Nov. 26 at the Quadra Community Centre. Each of these shows feature entirely different films giving locals a double-take at the tour’s best videos.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for youth, students & seniors. For advance tickets call the Tidemark Theatre box office between 12 noon and 6 p.m. 250-287-7465. Tickets are usually available at the door too but best be safe and get yours today! There is also a screening in Courtenay at the Sid Williams Theatre on Sunday Nov. 27.

Campbell River Mirror