‘Boot camp’ for budding authors

To paraphrase Stephen King, revising a story is a bit like putting on its clothes, combing its hair and splashing on a dash of cologne.

To paraphrase Stephen King, revising a story is a bit like putting on its clothes, combing its hair and splashing on a dash of cologne.

But before you write that book you’ve been meaning to write for ages, you’ll need a good editor, because behind every good author is an editor who will do what editors do best: Make your words sparkle and come alive.

Writing a book is the dream of many, and it will become much more of a reality starting with a one-day workshop offered by award-winning, Agassiz-based author, Wendy Dewar Hughes. Dewar Hughes edited Langley City firefighter Bruce Kilby’s children’s story, Legend of the Tooth Fairy.

Kilby said that “Without Wendy, the writing dream would not have been accomplished. The technical aspects of getting a book out there are daunting. Her patient working relationship with the writers is key in the writing and re-writing.”

Fortunately, Dewar Hughes is also a professional artist and cover designer and, Kilby noted, “The cover design of the book plays a crucial part in catching the eye, and we believe Wendy accomplished this fantastically.”

Natasha Jones and Jim McGregor hired Dewar Hughes after they had written the first draft of their book, Surfacing, which they launched last June.

“We had a completed manuscript and weren’t sure what the next step was,” McGregor said.

“After taking Wendy’s ‘Write That Book Now’ program she pointed us in the right direction and guided us along the way.”

The seven weeks of follow-up proved an eye-opener and a real education for them as authors, Jones added.

Dewar Hughes’ new program, Book Blitz Bootcamp, will begin with the workshop held on Saturday, Feb. 22 in Langley, at a location to be announced shortly.

After that, every participant will be individually coached by Dewar Hughes through all aspects of writing the first draft of their books.

Her system is designed to work whether you want to write fiction, non-fiction or a memoir.

The Book Blitz Bootcamp is an intensive course with the goal of completing a manuscript in only seven weeks.

“The workshop will be a small group session. Following that, the coaching is one-on-one with you and your book,” Dewar Hughes said.

This program, she added, is for people who have a story they need to tell but don’t know where to start.

It’s also for people who have already begun to write their stories, but got stuck and can’t seem to finish it.

And it’s for those who finished a first draft but know it’s not good enough to be published.

“Poor structure, grammar or incorrect punctuation can kill a book,” she adds, “but there is help”.

The seminar will also appeal to writers who want to get their books written fast, and not have it linger for months or years before it’s complete.

The Write That Book Now! Book Blitz Bootcamp runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 22.

The regular cost is $1,997 plus taxes, and includes the seven weeks of individualized coaching.

Visit www.bookblitzbootcamp.com to register.

For more information, call Wendy Dewar Hughes at 1‐877-796‐3410.

Aldergrove Star