Carol celebration set for Dec. 6

An annual celebration of Christmas carols will be held on Dec. 6, a week later than usual this year.

An annual celebration of Christmas carols will be held on Dec. 6, a week later than usual this year.

Celebrating Christmas, an interchurch event with a seasonal theme, will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church. It will feature choirs and performers from several Summerland churches as well as a time of singing from those in attendance.

Michael Colbeck, minister at St. John’s Lutheran Church, said the celebration this year will replace the community carol festival, which had been held on the Sunday of the Festival of Lights weekend.

Celebrating Christmas begins at 4 p.m. Later, at 6 p.m., a family-oriented time of Christmas music will be held outside. Hot chocolate and popcorn will be available.

A free-will offering at the event will go to support the Summerland Food Bank.


Summerland Review