Celebrating arts and culture

The Reach Gallery and Museum celebrated its Fraser Valley 2011 Biennale arts and cultural fair on Saturday, June 18.

A performance by the Taiko Drummers on Saturday, June 18. The performance was a celebration of the Fraser Valley 2011 Biennale arts and cultural fair held by the Reach Gallery.

A performance by the Taiko Drummers on Saturday, June 18. The performance was a celebration of the Fraser Valley 2011 Biennale arts and cultural fair held by the Reach Gallery.

The Reach Gallery and Museum celebrated its Fraser Valley 2011 Biennale arts and cultural fair on Saturday, June 18.

Performances were held in Civic Plaza, 32388 Veterans Way, adjacent to The Reach.

Ranj Singh and the Discriminators, Mojo Zydeco, Seymour Taiko Drummers and the Sada Virsa Sada Gaurav Bhangra Club were a few of the groups that appeared at the event.

Artist demonstrations, workshops and The Reach Roadshow also took place, drawing out a large crowd.

For more information on The Reach, visit www.thereach.ca.

Abbotsford News