Chilliwack exhibition takes art projects beyond the classroom

The Chilliwack Community Arts Council is inviting all of its former and current students to enter upcoming exhibition, I Made This.

The deadline is Nov. 21 for students, who have taken a class at The Art Room, to enter exhibition called I Made This.

The deadline is Nov. 21 for students, who have taken a class at The Art Room, to enter exhibition called I Made This.

The Chilliwack Community Arts Council is inviting all of its former and current students to take their artwork off the fridge, down from the bulletin board or away from the walls of their home galleries in honour of the Art Room Gallery’s upcoming I Made This! exhibition to be displayed in December.

This special two week gallery exhibition, running from Dec. 9 to 16, is open to all ages and mediums but all artwork must have been made during or inspired by a class or workshop hosted by the Chilliwack Community Arts Council.

“This end of year exhibit will showcase the talent of everyone who has taken a class or workshop in our creative Art Room space,” says programming and gallery coordinator, Aymee Leake. “Now is the chance for these artists to show off what they have learned and proudly say, “I made this!””

Interested artists are asked to apply for the exhibition by completing an application form available from or the Chilliwack Community Arts Council – the Art Room (20-5725 Vedder Rd.).

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Nov. 21. For more information please visit, email, or call 604-769-2787.

Chilliwack Progress