Community heritage workshop at The Reach on Feb. 20

Free event will examine Abbotsford's heritage assets

The original main street of Matsqui Village, St Olaf, in 1920.

The original main street of Matsqui Village, St Olaf, in 1920.

In celebration of Heritage Week, The Reach Gallery Museum will offer a free community heritage workshop on Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. to learn about Abbotsford’s heritage assets.

The workshop will explore the buildings, monuments, sites, and landscapes with historic or cultural significance, and how to recognize community heritage.

Kris Foulds, collections manager, will share information on the resources available through the museum’s archives.

Andrew Ward, a retired architectural historian, will focus on the historic character of Matsqui Village.

Local heritage enthusiast, Ken Wuschke, who knows heritage when he sees it, has championed the preservation of the Fraser Highway Milestone 37, one of two milestones marking the distance from the main post office in Vancouver located close to their original positions in Abbotsford. Wuschke will highlight a few of Abbotsford’s heritage assets.

Pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, contact Foulds at or 604-864-8087 ext 112.

Abbotsford News