Concert benefits Summerland Refugee Sponsorship Group

The Events Committee of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church has donated $400 to the Summerland Refugee Sponsorship Group.

William Leggott, a renowned Penticton classical guitarist, performed recently at St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Summerland.

William Leggott, a renowned Penticton classical guitarist, performed recently at St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Summerland.

The Events Committee of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church has donated $400 to the Summerland Refugee Sponsorship Group.

The sponsorship group is dedicated to sponsoring and supporting refugee families and assisting them to integrate into the Summerland community.

The group is making efforts to sponsor a third family.

The money was raised through a concert held on the evening of Oct. 16 in Summerland’s Stone Church, performed by William Leggott, a renowned Penticton classical guitarist.

The theme of the concert was An Evening Excursion into the Heart of Spain.

Evan Robillard, a protégé of Leggott, also performed during the evening and a guest appearance from Wendy Goodie of Get Bent Yoga and Dance School in Penticton completed the roster.


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