Concert held to mark Canada Music Week

The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations celebrates Canada Music Week during the third week of November.

The Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations celebrates Canada Music Week during the third week of November which includes Nov. 22, the day honouring St. Cecilia, the patron Saint of Music.

The aims of Canada Music Week are:

o to introduce contemporary music to Canadian students and to stimulate a keener appreciation of this music.

o to encourage music teachers to widen their knowledge and experience of Canadian works.

o to support composers and performers of Canadian works.

o to bring to the attention of the public, through various means, the importance of Canadian Music.

o to emphasize not only Canadian work but also the significance of music in our society in general.

This is the 53rd year that CFMTA members have celebrated Canada Music Week across Canada. Everyone is invited to hear a delightful selection of Canadian Music performed by young music students ranging in age from six to 18 years at the Canada Music Week Recital sponsored by the BCRMTA — South Okanagan Branch.

This recital will be held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 387 Martin Street in Penticton on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 2 p.m.

There will be students from Osoyoos, Oliver, Kaleden, Okanagan Falls, Penticton, Naramata and Summerland performing a concert involving various disciplines including piano,voice and violin.

The Registered Music Teachers and the IODE will present awards and scholarships to the students achieving high marks during the 2013 exam year from accredited conservatories. Come and enjoy a recital by these young musicians.


Summerland Review