Couple’s animated short film recognized

Chase duo receives kudos at Kamloops Film Society's Independent Short Shorts Film Festival.

Archie and Chayla Wilcox of Chase were given a special mention for their film, Under Pressure, the animated message film which they produced and directed.

They received this recognition at the Kamloops Film Society’s Kamloops Independent Short Shorts (KISS) Film Festival.

Under Pressure is about the need to recycle to help save the planet.

While the animation is cute and funny, and the film is an overall delight, the message is strong, according to Vicci Weller, Thompson Nicola Film Commission executive director.

“Their film dovetails nicely with the TNRD’s goal of creating and sustaining comprehensive recycling programs throughout the region.”

Awarded the top prizes for TNRD Short Film Awards were Igor Kostin and Bruno Mazzotta at the KISS Film Festival. The prize, worth $150, was given to short films that best depict a place, person or attraction in the TNRD in an interesting and compelling way.

“Kostin and Mazzotta should be commended for their original, and very different, takes on what they find fascinating about the Thompson-Nicola Regional District,” said Weller. “We hope to see more films produced and directed from throughout the TNRD entered into the KISS Film Festival next year.”

Kostin’s humorous short film Unbreakable was shot in the style of the silent pictures era and incorporates Kamloops’ Riverside Park in a playful way.

Mazzotta’s music-driven, experimental short film Mamania & the Trilobites includes the outskirts of Kamloops around Stake


Salmon Arm Observer