Creative writing contest announced

Penticton Writers and Publisher are pleased to announce the details for the 2013 Clem Battye Legacy Award Contest.

Penticton Writers and Publisher are pleased to announce the details for the 2013 Clem Battye Legacy Award Contest.

The creative writing contest is open to emerging writers of short fiction and poetry.

Manuscript must be printed on white paper, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, with page numbers. Author’s name should not appear on the work.

Please enclose a separate cover page listing author’s name, address, and phone number because blind judging is in effect.  Short fiction (five pages) and/or five poems (one poem per page) are to be entered with a large (9×13) self addressed stamp envelope (SASE) for judges’ critiques and return of your entry.  Please attach correct postage for envelope size.

The entry fee is $10 per submission and writers can enter as often as they like as long as there is a fee for each entry.

The deadline for this year’s entries is July 30, 2013.  There will only be one winner in each category and they will  be announced Aug. 31, 2013.

Winners’ entries will be published, with the author’s/poet’s photo and bio, on the PWAP website ( Money Order or cheque of appropriate fee must be included with all entries and made payable to PWAP Clem Battye Contest.

The prize for Best Short Fiction (five pages)  is $100. For Best Poems (five pages) it is also $100. Send entries and fees to:
The Clem Battye Legacy Award
Writing Contest
4011 Finnerty Rd.,
Penticton, B.C. V2A 8W2.

Penticton Western News