Deadline looms for juried Surrey art exhibit

Submit your West Coast nature-inspired work by Aug. 1.

Deadline looms for juried Surrey art exhibit

The deadline is fast-approaching for artists to enter their work for an upcoming show at the Surrey Arts Centre.

CASCADIA: A Juried Exhibition of West Coast Flora and Fauna is scheduled to run Aug. 23 to Nov. 16, featuring nature-inspired artwork.

The exhibition, presented by the Arts Council of Surrey and Surrey Art Gallery, will be presented in conjunction with the National Gallery of Canada travelling exhibition Flora and Fauna: 400 years of Artists Inspired by Nature.

The juried exhibition offers an opportunity for artists to share new work that responds to biological diversity and ecology of the West Coast. Artwork can range from representations of the unique regional species of plant and animal life to the human impact on the environment, or celebrate the wonders of nature and the landscape of the Pacific Northwest. Works in all two-dimensional media are welcome.

An opening reception for the show will be held Sept. 20, 7:30 to 9 p.m.

The deadline for submissions is Aug. 1 at 4 p.m. The entry form can be downloaded at (scroll left side column to ‘calls for entry’) or contact Arts Council of Surrey at or 604-594-2700.


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