Enjoy art as part of Lumby Days

The Monashee Arts Council (MAC) is sponsoring a juried art show, Lumby: Then and Now, as part of next weekend’s Lumby Days.

The Monashee Arts Council (MAC) is sponsoring a juried art show, Lumby:  Then and Now, as part of next weekend’s Lumby Days.

The show, in the White Valley Community Centre, draws more than 1,000 visitors over the weekend.

“This is a great opportunity to show your work to a large audience,” said MAC member Robin LeDrew.

Besides the art show, visitors can also take in the MAC photography contest entries, non-profit group displays, kids’ crafts and art activities, and a vendor/artisan area, which will feature displays and items for sale by local artists.

Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) active members Gail Short and Charlene Woodbury are the invitational jurors who will oversee the art entries to the exhibition.

Short, a watercolourist who has taught at the Vernon Community Arts Centre for many years, has juried numerous art shows for the FCA.

Asked what she looks for in a painting, she quoted fellow local artist Julie Oakes.

“I want the artist to make the most interesting image (he/she) can.”

The theme of the Lumby show is  not limiting at all, added Short.

“If it wasn’t happening then, it is now. The theme is pretty wide open,” she said.

A people’s choice award will also be awarded to one of the entrants.

Those interested in entering (artists in every medium are invited) can pick up an entry form at the MAC office located at The Village Gallery, 1961 Vernon St., Lumby.

Deadline for entries is Thursday. Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The exhibition is open to everyone, requiring only that participants be members of the Monashee Arts Council ($15/year) and there is a hanging fee of $5 per piece submitted, said LeDrew.

“It is hoped that there will be great diversity in the entries and we are hoping to see creations in wood, fibre and glass as well as two-dimensional works,” she said.

Pieces must be delivered to the White Valley Community Centre, 2250 Shields Ave., between 10 a.m. and noon on Friday for jurying.

“Please note that pieces are shown at the artists’ own risk, but the site will be monitored during the day and will be securely locked after hours,” said LeDrew.

Hours of the show are Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, June 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Artists are responsible for picking up their work Sunday between 4 and 6 p.m.

For more info., contact LeDrew at 250-547-6397, or Jennifer Greenwood at the MAC office (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) at 778-473-3029.


Vernon Morning Star