Enter for ECHO tickets

The News has two pairs of tickets for the latest ECHO PLayers production

The cast in ECHO Players’ upcoming production of Dancing at Lughnasa are in dress rehearsals, leading up to the April 5 opening night performance. The News is giving away tickets to the show.

The cast in ECHO Players’ upcoming production of Dancing at Lughnasa are in dress rehearsals, leading up to the April 5 opening night performance. The News is giving away tickets to the show.

The News has two pairs of tickets to give away for the ECHO Players production of Dancing at Lughnasa this April.

The tickets are for the April 6 show. To enter, send your name, home town and phone number to editor@pqbnews.com by 12 noon on Tues., April 3. Or, drop your entry off at our office on Middleton Street in Parksville. On the entry, tell us in which Irish county the play takes place.

The News is also offering another pair of tickets to folks who visit us on Facebook. See our Facebook page for details this week.

Watch the paper this Friday for more to read about the upcoming drama, Dancing at Lughnasa, by ECHO Players. — News Staff


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