Equine coach launches new book at Langley farm

Join author Evelyn McKelvie at the launch of her new book on coaching with horses

Author Evelyn McKelvie is launching her first book, The Executive Horse: 21st Century Leadership Lessons From Horses, on Sunday, Oct. 23 at Wisteria Acres in Langley.

Author Evelyn McKelvie is launching her first book, The Executive Horse: 21st Century Leadership Lessons From Horses, on Sunday, Oct. 23 at Wisteria Acres in Langley.

Join author Evelyn McKelvie at the launch of her first book, The Executive Horse: 21st Century Leadership Lessons From Horses, on Sunday, Oct. 23 at Wisteria Acres, 8648 Armstrong Rd in Langley.

McKelvie tells the story of how horses can act as powerful co-coaches and teachers, help people in the workplace transform their relationships at work, and transform their lives.

Coaching with horses demonstrates effective methods of engaging people and creating powerful openings to learn, absorb change, and tackle difficult issues that get in the way of personal and organizational effectiveness.

“With their huge wordless presence they enable us to learn a great deal about our own true natures and help us to become present to reality in ways that are becoming increasingly rare and hard to achieve,” McKelvie said.

McKelvie is the founder of Equine Coach, an executive coaching practice focused on equine facilitated leadership development, mindfulness, and communication based on the ethical foundations of true connection with the horse.

During the event, signed books will be available for $20 (cash or cheque only), with a portion of the sales donated to New Stride Thoroughbred Adoption Society, an organization that helps former race horses find new homes.

McKelvie will be doing a reading from her book, and weather permitting, may do a demonstration of speaking Equus, a method of communication with horses.

This is also an opportunity to meet some of the horses who are featured in the book.

Registration RSVP can be done online at http://bit.ly/2dIEqMO.

For more on McKelvie, visit www.equinecoach.ca.

Langley Times