Mary Dennison directs the Sing For Pure Joy! Community Choir. The choir gathers Saturday evenings at The Lodge on 4th in Ladysmith.

Mary Dennison directs the Sing For Pure Joy! Community Choir. The choir gathers Saturday evenings at The Lodge on 4th in Ladysmith.

‘Every voice is welcome’ to Sing For Pure Joy!

The Sing For Pure Joy! Community Choir gathers Saturday evenings in Ladysmith. No experience is needed, and there are no auditions.

”Group singing has been scientifically proven to lower stress, relieve anxiety and elevate endorphins,” Stacy Horn states in Imperfect Harmony: How Singing With Others Changes Your Life. In the Daily Telegraph, Sarah Rainey writes that, “Singing as part of a choir has the same calming health benefits as yoga.”

Dennison encourages anyone looking for an added boost of endorphins to join her Sing For Pure Joy! Community Choir.

“This is a safe, non-judgmental circle where every voice is welcome,” she states in a press release. “No experience is needed, and no auditions are required — only the desire to make joyful sounds to help access and express the profound joy and beauty at our core. Raise your voice with heart-felt melodies, soulful gospel songs and spirituals, world music, mesmerizing chants and rousing rounds. Songs from the ridiculous to the sublime!”

Sing For Pure Joy! is not a paper-trained choir, and no written music is used.

“The majority of music in the world comes from the oral tradition, and all songs are taught by call and response, recognizing that this is the most accessible and effective way for the majority of people to learn and retain songs in the longer term,” according to the Natural Voice Practitioners.

Sing For Pure Joy! is not a performing choir, although choir members occasionally engage in  a S.W.A.T. (Sing When Asked To) or a S.W.I.T. (Sing When Inspired to).

“We are delighted when residents of The Lodge on 4th join in our Song Circle — it’s a lovely way to bring community in to our elders,” said Dennison.

Some of the choir’s members like to attend and sing a few songs at The Coffee House at Hardwick Hall — a fundraiser for the Ladysmith Food Bank — on the last Saturday of every month.

The choir gathers Saturdays from 6:30-8 p.m. at The Lodge on 4th (1127 Fourth Ave.) in Ladysmith. The dates for this term are Sept. 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 5, Oct. 19, Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 30 and Dec. 14.

There is a $10 drop-in fee or a reduced fee if one joins for the Fall Term.

Dennison offers a sliding scale by request and has limited scholarships for anyone who is unable to afford the fee.

“I just want to encourage everyone to raise their voice in glorious song!” she said.

For more information, contact Mary Dennison at or call 250-285-3764.

Ladysmith Chronicle