Festival of the Arts outstanding

Buyar: 'We have rising stars all the four and five years up to 87 years old'

100 Mile House piano player Daven Mapson performed Sneaky by S. Chatman during the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts' Showcase Performance in Martin Exeter Hall on May 2. The festival adjudicators selected the local performers who entertained an appreciative audience during the two-hour showcase.

100 Mile House piano player Daven Mapson performed Sneaky by S. Chatman during the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts' Showcase Performance in Martin Exeter Hall on May 2. The festival adjudicators selected the local performers who entertained an appreciative audience during the two-hour showcase.

The 100 Mile Festival of the Arts 2014 included speech arts, piano, vocal and instrumental performances at Martin Exeter Hall from April 22 to May 1.

It wrapped up on May 2 with the awards presentation and Showcase Performance, featuring some of the top performers from preceding 10 days.

Festival co-chair Marilyn Buyar says the festival went very well.

While it was a very busy time, she notes there is an army of 45-50 volunteers who put in a few one- or two-hour shifts to make everything go smoothly.

One of the highlights for her was the first day of the festival when the schools came out for their speech arts performances.

“It was marvellous. It was an absolutely packed house with lots of moms and dads and grandparents – and parents who slipped away from work for 20 to 30 minutes to catch their children’s performances.”

She adds the adjudicators were very good, as they gave a lot of practical feedback and spent some time with all of the students.

Buyar also acknowledged the great work by school band teachers Vanessa Toews (Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School) and Jasmine Kreschuk (100 Mile House and Mile 108 Elementary schools).

As for the Showcase Performance, Buyar says it was another packed house this year. She adds the adjudicators picked a great variety of performers for the evening.

“It was wonderful to just be able to sit down and really appreciate the talent we have in this community.”

Noting it was a shorter show this year, Buyar says they cut it down to just over two hours, but “we managed to squeeze a lot into those two hours.”

She notes the committee and the participants were very grateful to Matt Arnott of Kamloops who lent them a six-foot six-inch grand piano to use during the festival.

“It was marvellous because they all had a chance to play on an excellent piano … they can play their best music when they have a good instrument.”


Speech Arts Awards

Poetry Canadian Author – Brodi Lundquist

Dramatic Monologue – Lydia Kinasewich

Group Poetry (Adjudicator Award) – Emma Donnelly and Mackenzie White

Humorous Poetry – Mikayla Julseth

Choral Speaking – Mile 108 Elementary, Grade 3

Readers Theatre – 100 Mile Elementary, Grade 6, 7

Doug Macleod Memorial Readers Theatre – Stephanie Hilstad and M. Julseth

Narrative Poetry – Miah Scarpino

Lyric Poetry – L. Kinasewich

Prose – Adrienne Gardner

Story Reading – L. Kinasewich

Junior Aggregate – L. Kinasewich

Albert Nicoll Memorial Intermediate Aggregate – Katya Levermann

Adjudicator’s Awards – Malcolm Beveridge, Emma Law, Anya Levermann and Brendan Nixdorf

Gregory Grant Bursary Award – M. Scarpino

Outstanding Achievement – L. Kinasewich

Sandra Cannon-Walker Awards – Forest Grove Elementary, Mile 108 Elementary and 100 Mile Elementary

Performing Arts BC recommendations:

Intermediate Observer – K. Levermann

Junior Competitor – L. Kinasewich

Junior Observer – A. Gardner and A. Levermann




Piano Awards

JS Bach Junior Helen Ames Award – Elizabeth Haretzmuller

JS Bach Intermediate/Senior Margaret Christie Award – Cory Mapson

Baroque Junior June Truant Memorial Award – Noah Geerts

Baroque Intermediate/Senior Priscilla White Memorial Award – Anna Betuzzi

Romantic Junior Esther Newberry Award – Avery Collinson

Romantic Intermediate/Senior Hildegarde Goertz Memorial Award – A. Betuzzi

Classical Repertoire Junior Trudy Silverwood Award – Heather Heales

Classical Repertoire Intermediate/Senior Trudy Silverwood Award – Nina Geerts

Sonata Watkins Family Award – A. Betuzzi

Canadian Composer Joan Ireland Award – Bryton Armishaw

Twentieth Century Junior BJ Trophies Award – E. Haretzmuller

Twentieth Century Intermediate/Senior – Nina Geerts

Christian Music Fujiko Matsuda Award – Ashton Chretien and Candice-Rose Mapson

Piano Ensemble Garth and Shirley Gibson-Bull Award – Nina Geerts and Maya Geerts

Adjudicator’s Awards – Miki Hatton and Daven Mapson

Outstanding Achievement 100 Mile Free Press Award – A. Betuzzi

Organ Award Adjudicator’s Award – D. Mapson

Music Composition Award Junior Katie Kidwell Award – Cory Mapson

Performing Arts BC Recommendation:

Intermediate Competitor – A. Betuzzi




Instrumental Awards

Beginner Solo 1 – Cameron Ardiel

Beginner Solo 2 – Vanessa Mah and Christina Mah

Junior Solo 1 – M. Geerts

Junior Solo 2 – E. Donnelly

Intermediate Solo 1 – A. Betuzzi

Ensemble – E. Donnelly and Curtis Wolfe

Jazz/Popular Music – Foggy Bottom Clarinet Buskers

Charles Cawdell Memorial Band Award – Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School Grade 8 Band

Adjudicator’s Award – W. Mah

Helen and Anthony Lau Bursary – A. Betuzzi

Outstanding Achievement – E. Donnelly

Performing Arts BC Recommendations:

Intermediate Observer – A. Betuzzi

Junior Observer – E. Donnelly




Vocal Awards

Classical Repertoire, Junior Roz Hooper Memorial Award – L. Kinasewich

Sacred, Irva and James Stewart Memorial Award – Mia Weir

Art Song, Heather Sherry Memorial Award – M. Weir

Concert Recital – Christiane Nauen

Musical Theatre, Junior Roz Hooper Memorial Award – Courtney Cave

Folk Song Olga Pugsley Memorial Award – L. Kinasewich

Popular Music Award – M. Weir

Jazz, George Kellett Memorial Award – Kira Saenger

Country John Jones Memorial Award – C. Cave

Vocal Ensemble Sakura Award – Twila McIntosh and Tom McIntosh

Adjudicator’s Awards – Eshuan Grewal and Kelsey Schuurman

Outstanding Achievement – C. Cave

Performing Arts BC Recommendations:


Junior Competitor – M. Weir

Junior Observer – B. Armishaw and L. Kinasewich

Musical Theatre

Junior Competitor – C. Cave

Junior Observer – Kayleigh Jacobson

















100 Mile House Free Press