Flower painting taught

In response to many requests, Bill Kerr is teaching a course devoted to painting flowers.

BILL KERR can show you how to paint flowers.

BILL KERR can show you how to paint flowers.

In response to many requests, Bill Kerr is teaching a course devoted to painting flowers.

This course is flowers, all flowers and nothing but flowers. Well, maybe a small vase.

You will start with a great big rose complete with curly petals and shiny leaves painted from reference.

This lesson will involve careful control of the paint as it flows to produce the changing nature of light from petal tips deep into the flower’s bud-like centre.The leaf’s luster and veined structure will be addressed, maybe even a small dew drop.

Then we are off on a voyage to visit, study and paint each week’s new showing of flowers from local sources.

Kerr expects early rhododendrons to be called on or maybe azaleas and who knows what else. These flowers will be painted from life. They may be as modest as boutonnieres or paintings where the flower is greater than the page like Georgia O’Keefe’s work.

You will all help decide where you want to explore. But you will paint from real flowers after lesson one.

Both day and evening courses start April 4 and run for four sessions or until May 2 with no class Easter Monday. Daytime lessons take place at the Lewis Centre from 1 to 3:30, while evening sessions are at the Filberg Centre from 7 to 9:30.

The fees are $75 for four sessions. Ask about the Evergreen Seniors discount.

For more information or to register, call Courtenay Recreation at 250-338-1000 or 250-338-5371.

— Courtenay Recreation



Comox Valley Record