Alison Wearing performs Giving Into Light.

Alison Wearing performs Giving Into Light.

Fringetastic: Giving into Light

Giving Into Light is a hilarious, yet deeply moving journey from the eye-crossing exhaustion of early motherhood into the myth and magic of Mexico.

Fringetastic Theatre Festival features eight separate theatre shows running Sept. 8-11 at three downtown venues. Please give us your thoughts on each show in the comments section below.


Giving into Light

Alison Wearing (Mexico)

General audience

Giving Into Light is a hilarious, yet deeply moving journey from the eye-crossing exhaustion of early motherhood into the myth and magic of Mexico.

It tells the story of a desperate and distraught new mother attempting to survive sleep-deprivation, fluorescent-lit church basement playgroups and prescriptions for depression in the midst of ice-caked Ontario.

Her search for happiness leads her on an intuition-inspired journey to a village in central Mexico – a one-month trip that becomes a five-year stay. As she raises her child amid the colours and textures of Mexico, its bustling marketplaces and interminable celebrations, she finds ‘post-partum illumination’: sweet surrender into the lyricism, the lunacy and the lightness of life.

$10; $8/volunteers

Vancouver Island Conference Centre

Sept 8 – 6 p.m.

Sept 9 – 8:30 p.m.

Sept 10 – 1 p.m.

Sept 10 – 6 p.m.

Sept 11 – 1 p.m.

Nanaimo News Bulletin