Gallery tour provides insight

Nanaimo Art Gallery offers free tour of Gu Xiong exhibit

A free tour will help visitors better understand the subtleties and complexities behind artist Gu Xiong’s exhibit at the campus Nanaimo Art Gallery.

Docent Marie Egan leads the tour through Waterscapes: Migration on Saturday (Oct. 22) at 1 p.m.

The exhibit focuses on the role of waterways  – oceans, lakes and rivers – in shaping migration flows along Vancouver Island, Fraser River in the Lower Mainland and the Yangtze River of China.

“As children we always loved to fold paper boats and float them down the stream,” said Xiong. “We believed that they carried our hopes for the future, especially for going out into the world, into unknown places.

“This work carries forward the idea of migrations, including my own from China to Canada, by bringing the Yangtze and Fraser rivers together across the Pacific.”

A final tour is set for Nov. 19 at 1 p.m. The exhibit closes Jan. 7.

For more information, please call 250-740-6350.

Nanaimo News Bulletin