Gallery Vertigo calls for art for juried exhibition, Rebirth

Okanagan artists are invited to submit their work for Gallery Vertigo’s annual juried members’ show.

Okanagan artists are invited to submit their work for Gallery Vertigo’s annual juried members’ show.

“The theme this year is rebirth – and it reflects some of the revitalization and reinvention that’s gone on at Vertigo in the last few months,” explained Michelle Mitchell, who refers to herself as a “shape shifter” in Gallery Vertigo’s office.

“The exciting thing about an artist-run gallery is it’s continually changing with the artists involved and reflecting a bit of the shifting zeitgeist of the arts community in the North Okanagan,” said Mitchell.

“Much like the lives of individual artists, there’s a kind of through-line that connects past to present, and this is enhanced by the constant rebirth and reinvention that keeps art alive.”

The juror for the Rebirth show will be Briar Craig, a visual artist, print-maker and UBC Okanagan professor. Craig is an internationally known artist and the 2012 recipient of the Okanagan Arts Award in the visual arts category.

“We’re incredibly fortunate to have Briar Craig as our juror. He will review all the submissions and curate a show that reflects not only the theme of rebirth but the diversity and variety of art in the North Okanagan,” said Mitchell.

The gallery is seeking submissions of artwork in all forms for the Rebirth show. Artists need to be members of North Okanagan Artists’ Alternative (NOAA), the group that runs Gallery Vertigo, and can submit up to two artworks, in any medium. Artists who are not yet members of NOAA can sign up for membership at the same time as submitting their artwork.

“We encourage artists to think as broadly about the theme rebirth as they like,” said Mitchell. “Think spring, think new growth, think art – and bring it in!”

Gallery Vertigo is accepting submissions from April 16 to April 20 between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the gallery located at 3001-31st St. (Suite 1, upstairs).

The opening is April 27 from 7 to 9 p.m. and the exhibition runs until June 6. For more information call: 250-503-2297


Vernon Morning Star