Holistic experience at Ruby Creek

Art gallery planning night of music, dancing and more

The Ruby Creek Art Gallery is planning an open house filled with music, cultural sharing and performances.

The event will be held on the evening of Oct. 24, and will include the Git Hayetsk Dancers, flute music by Eagle Child, art exhibits by Mike Dangeli (Nisga’a) and Pascal Pelletier (Metis).

Mike Bellegarde, gallery manager, said they wanted to give visitors a more holistic experience.

“We believe that art appreciation should go beyond the visual aspect of just ‘seeing’ the art pieces. We want our visitors to also feel the beat of the drums and to hear the voices of the artists, we want them to smell the cedar as it is being carved and, through story, to get a glimpse into the mind of the carver as a piece of cedar is brought to life,” he said. “We believe that our open house event will give our visitors that holistic experience and a better understanding of the art pieces that we have on display.”

The performances begin at 6:15 p.m. and the open house runs until 9 p.m. Ruby Creek Art Gallery is located between Agassiz and Hope on the Lougheed Hwy., at the Skawahlook First Nation.

Agassiz Observer