Horror films roll at showcase

NANAIMO - Hub City Cinema Society showcases Nanaimo-region filmmakers during film night at the Vault.

Short film aficionados looking for darker fare can get their horror fix during the Hub City Cinema Society’s Fall Film Showcase.

The showcase is Monday (Nov. 2), 7 p.m. at the Vault Café and features 11 films by local filmmakers.

Zachary Tannar, president of the Hub City Cinema Society, said for the last three years, the society has been showcasing local films.

“Now it has all sort of come together and it’s really awesome,” he said, adding the society can now have two film showcases a year.

This showcase has a darker, more mature theme. Tannar said it’s about a PG-14 rating because there is violence, foul language and sexual themes in the films.

The event features two films making a debut, Steven by Jason Oakley and The Normans by Angie Hawes.

Suggested cover for the event is $10 at the door.




Nanaimo News Bulletin