Inaugural horseshoe tournament great fun

Horseshoe pits on the pub property gave owners the idea to try out a tournament on the grounds.

Jaunita Laye of Summerland celebrates a ringer during the inaugural Horseshoe Tournament at the Copper Mountain Pub and Restaurant.

Jaunita Laye of Summerland celebrates a ringer during the inaugural Horseshoe Tournament at the Copper Mountain Pub and Restaurant.

Co-owners of the Copper Mountain Pub and Restaurant, Raymond Law and Sam Tse saw a unique opportunity to get people together and outside to enjoy themselves. Horseshoe pits on the pub property gave them the idea to try out a tournament on the grounds. They set about repairing the pits and organizing for the event. On Saturday, Sept. 15 the inaugural Copper Mountain Pub and Restaurant Horseshoe Tournament took place with 10 teams participating. Club members for Summerland, Winfield and Salmon Arm joined Princeton residents for the afternoon.

Interior Kootneys representative for BC Horseshoe Association,  John Hamler heard about the tournament and decided to come to Princeton to assist if he could.

And assist he did. Hamler happily became the tournament director for the event and  proceeded to explain the rules of the game to those who didn’t know and encouraged everyone to have fun.

“We are playing a 21 point game, said Hamler, if you loose you’re out and it’s miller time,” he added with a chuckle. The process of elimination throughout the game left brought Bernie Lepper and Doris Wilton of Winfield BC to a first place win and second place to Jaunita Laye & Lois Simpson of Summerland.

Tse and Law are pleased with the event turn out and plan to start holding tournaments again as soon as its warm enough to play in the Spring. Visiting club members are hopeful that Princeton will soon have it’s own Horseshoe Club. For information about forming a local club or finding out about the horseshoe association, please visit


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