Indian music in spotlight at UVic

Sitar and table combination brings Indian culture to university theatre

Pandit Manu Kumar Seen plays the sitar in a concert at UVic's David Lam Auditorium on Sunday (Nov. 20) at 7 p.m.

Pandit Manu Kumar Seen plays the sitar in a concert at UVic's David Lam Auditorium on Sunday (Nov. 20) at 7 p.m.

The University of Victoria’s Society for Indian Classical Arts presents a sitar concert this weekend at the university’s David Lam Auditorium.

The Nov. 20 show begins at 7 p.m. and features Pandit Manu Seen with Ustad Akram Khan accompanying on tabla.

The society promotes Indian classical arts and hosts to several concerts annually, with most artists visiting from India.

Tickets are $20 or $10 for students, and can be purchased in Victoria at Long & McQuade, Munro’s Books and at the door. Call 250-721-2672 to reserve.



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