Irish poetry

Monthly reading series to kick off in White Rock Jan. 16

Interested in discovering and enjoy the works of Ireland’s poets, delivered in authentic Irish accents and in the comfortable ambience of an Irish pub?

In association with Semiahmoo Arts, the Irish Club Of White Rock is presenting a series of Irish Poetry Nights, the third Wednesday of each month at White Rock’s Slainte By The Pier Gastrobar on Marine Drive.

Proprietor Jack Sixsmith will kick off the series Jan. 16 at 7:30 p.m. by leading an evening dedicated to his favourite Irish poet – Patrick Kavanagh.

Volunteers from the Irish Club will assist with readings, and also present their favourite poets in subsequent months. Featured in upcoming evenings will be works by Seamus Heaney, Louis MacNeice, W.B. Yeats, Medbh McGuckian and J.M. Synge. For more information, call Ray Fynes at 604-542-3667.

Peace Arch News