Ladysmith writer, and former Chronicle columnist Jeff Virtanen has published his first novel, The Other Side of the Clouds

Ladysmith writer, and former Chronicle columnist Jeff Virtanen has published his first novel, The Other Side of the Clouds

Local novelist bridges life-death divide

The Other Side of the Clouds, a novel scheduled for release on Amazon Aug. 23

When a pregnant Jacy Morgan dies, but her baby daughter survives, Jacy finds herself in a section of the afterlife that challenges her beliefs about life, love, and death…

That’s the premise of The Other Side of the Clouds, a novel scheduled for release on Amazon Aug. 23 and already available in paperback format through Create Space.

A former columnist, who wrote The Regular Guy for the Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle, this is Virtanen’s first novel.

It’s speculative fiction in an afterlife that will confront the protagonist with a ‘harrowing series’ of encounters that involve “politics, sex and betrayal.”

Jacy finds herself in a place where she may be able to communicate with her daughter, and help raise her, but only communicating through ‘gut instincts’.

She must navigate through a cast of terrifying characters as she endeavors to become the one chosen to give her daughter gut feelings.

“Poised to fill that role, she discovers something far more sinister boiling under the surface,” the cover description says.

To order a copy of The Other Side of the Clouds go to and type Virtanen into the search bar. The e-book is $4.99; print version $13.99 (USD)


Ladysmith Chronicle