The Allan Brooks Nature Centre’s Mariko McDougall (left), Aaron Deans and  Janice Buick watch as a magpie lands on the head of artist-in-residence Jihee Min.

The Allan Brooks Nature Centre’s Mariko McDougall (left), Aaron Deans and Janice Buick watch as a magpie lands on the head of artist-in-residence Jihee Min.

Magpies and more: artist presents a talk and exhibit at Allan Brooks

Caetani Cultural and Allan Brooks centres host an artist talk and presentation by their current Fresh!AiR (artist-in-residence) Jihee Min.

The Caetani Cultural Centre and Allan Brooks Nature Centre are inviting the public to an artist talk and presentation by their current Fresh!AiR (artist-in-residence) Jihee Min.

Min’s presentation Wednesday marks the end of six weeks of research, discovery and art making inspired by the mythology of local birds.

She will talk about her new work and the processes she has undertaken during her residency, and will also touch on past work, bridging the gap between old and new themes.

“Although her initial intent was to research the local flora and fauna of the Okanagan, drawing influence from Allan Brooks himself, who was an ornithologist and bird artist, Min narrowed her focus to birds, specifically magpies, bald eagles and pheasants – three species she could connect to culturally, symbolically and personally,” said Gabrielle Strong, program and events coordinator with the Caetani Cultural Centre.

Through a series of watercolours, Min has depicted the magpie as her alter-ego.

A Korean-born Canadian, Min employs narrative strategies and autobiographical experiences to explore the notion of identity and cultural displacement.

“With her drawings she hopes to express the various symbolic and spiritual meanings of birds that vary from western and eastern cultures, as well as hopefully dispel notions of the magpie’s bad reputation,” said Strong.

Min will also show a video piece, which depicts herself transforming into a magpie.

“The work presented will be the beginning of a much larger future piece, so she welcomes feedback and input following the talk,” said Strong.

Min’s residency kicks off the first of four back-to-back Fresh!AiR art and environment themed artist residencies for the 2016 season.

Min’s talk at the Allan Brooks Nature Centre Wednesday starts at 7 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. For more information, visit or call 250-275-1525.


Vernon Morning Star