Many Hats Theatre Company stages French farce

Many Hats Theatre Company opens the French farce Boeing Boeing Thursday night on the Cannery Stage.

Many Hats Theatre Company presents the comedy Boeing Boeing opening Thursday night on the Cannery Stage with Paul Varga (left) playing Bernard who is juggling three romantic interests at once including Gabriella, played by Shannon French.

Many Hats Theatre Company presents the comedy Boeing Boeing opening Thursday night on the Cannery Stage with Paul Varga (left) playing Bernard who is juggling three romantic interests at once including Gabriella, played by Shannon French.

Many Hats Theatre Company  opens the French farce Boeing Boeing Thursday night on the Cannery Stage.

The acting troupe brings to life French playwright and master of comedy Marc Camoletti’s smash-hit on Broadway that earned a Tony Award in 2008 in its revival. After its debut in 1965, Boeing Boeing enjoyed huge success and spawned a movie version.

Boeing Boeing is the story of, Bernard (played by Many Hats Paul Varga) a successful architect during the swinging 60s in Paris. Audiences will remember Varga for his performance in Same Time Next Year on the Many Hats stage.

Bernard is very successful in charming women and juggles the hearts of three air hostesses who jet in and out of his bachelor pad. Gloria (Tammy Hansel), Gabriella (Shannon French) and Gretchen (Kim Burnett) aka America, Italy and Germany are the three romantic interests in his life. French stole the show as the ditzy balloon girl in last year’s Skin Flick.

Bernard is assisted in managing the trio by his housekeeper Berthe (Jane Pilkey) and best friend Robert (Andrew Zender). Both Burnett and Zender are making their debut with Many Hats Theatre Company. They are recent theatre school graduates and Zender was seen in Soundstage Productions’ Les Miserables.

Everything seems to be flying along smoothly until Boeing introduces a new faster jet. It is then that Bernard’s precise romantic timetable goes off course and turbulence looms.

Boeing Boeing is directed by Josephine Patterson and Ben Amos is wearing the producer’s hat for this outing. It opens on Thursday at the Cannery Trade Centre stage and runs until May 4.

Performances are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. There is no performance on Friday, April 11. Reserved seat prices are $22 for adults and $19 for students.

Tickets may be purchased at the Penticton & Wine Country Visitor’s Information Centre or by phone 250-276-2170 or 1-800-663-5052.

Eau Vivre Winery from Cawston will be pouring their French-style wines at the opening night reception in the Opus Café Bistro immediately following the performance.

Penticton Western News