Mariachi band returns to Summerland

A mariachi band will return to Summerland for a concert next week.

Diego Kohl and other members of El Mariachi los Dorados will perform in Summerland later this month.

Diego Kohl and other members of El Mariachi los Dorados will perform in Summerland later this month.

A mariachi band will return to Summerland for a concert next week.

El Mariachi los Dorados will perform at Centre Stage Theatre on Thursday, March 17.

This is the sixth year the band has toured the Okanagan Valley.

The ensemble performs traditional Mexican music, with new compositions as well as older songs.

Diego Kohl, who plays the guitarrón, a bass instrument, said this year’s tour will feature a new single, El Mexicano.

“There’s a neat buzz about this song,” he said.

The song was written by band leader Alex Alegria and was featured at a mariachi festival in Vancouver.

The song also features trumpet work by Marc D’Angelo, first trumpet with the Kamloops Symphony Orchestra and a long-time member of El Mariachi los Dorados.

The band’s sound features music from the golden age of Mexican film, in the late 1950s and 1960s.

Kohl describes the music as stories for rural people.

The music has an upbeat sound and the band’s goal is to provide entertainment for the audiences.

“We’re up there to make people smile, laugh and have a good time,” he said.

The concert, on March 17, begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at Martin’s Flowers in Summerland and The Dragon’s Den in Penticton.


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