Mission pianist to train with the best

Paul Williamson will attend the Morningside Music Bridge program in Calgary

A Mission student has been selected to train at one of the world’s best classical music schools next month.

Eighteen-year-old pianist Paul Williamson will be playing with more than 80 students from Beijing, Shanghai, Krakow, Warsaw, New York, and San Francisco in the Morningside Music Bridge program at the Mount Royal Conservatory in Calgary.

The prestigious international summer training program focuses on performance, and numerous recitals are being planed throughout July at the university’s Leacock Theatre.

The international students, ages 12-18, live with host families for the month. The program it tuition-free as all students are admitted on full scholarships.

Morningside Music Bridge is internationally recognized for its excellence.

For complete recital and concert listings and more information, please visit mtroyal.ca/musicbridge.

Mission City Record