Mosaic unveiled at Okanagan College

Art project, Respect Lives Here, is being unveiled Saturday, April 26 at the community garden at the Vernon campus of Okanagan College.

A new public art project reflecting what respect looks like in the community is being unveiled Saturday at the community garden at the Vernon campus of Okanagan College.

A joint project of the Vernon Public Art Gallery, the Okanagan Respect Network and the Social Planning Council for the North Okanagan, the mosaic is located at the college’s Patchwork Farms.

Funding for this project was provided by the province through the Embrace B.C. Program.

“We are very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with other community organizations in facilitating this unique public art piece,” said VPAG executive director Dauna Kennedy Grant. “It was an occasion for youth to learn about respect, then take that knowledge and interpret it in a creative way for our community to enjoy.”

Local artist, designer and gallery owner Carolina Sanchez de Bustamante worked with 14 youth participants in creating handmade ceramic tiles during an open workshop at the VPAG in February. With guidance from Annette Sharkey, executive director of the Social Planning Council for the North Okanagan, participants learned and shared about what respect looks like in their communities.

“We are very excited that local youth were able to express though art the importance of respect in our community,” said Sharkey. “Their personal expressions and visual interpretations of the theme, Respect Lives Here, will contribute to the larger mosaic piece being installed at the covered sitting area of Patchwork Farms.”

The public is invited to the grand unveiling of the Respect Lives Here community mosaic Saturday between 1 and 2 p.m. The Patchwork Farms community garden is located near the day parking lot at the south-east side of the Vernon Okanagan College campus.


Vernon Morning Star