Walter Prossnitz will entertain at a local home before heading to Victoria to work with the Conservatory of Music.

Walter Prossnitz will entertain at a local home before heading to Victoria to work with the Conservatory of Music.

Music to fill the home

Friends of Music is presenting a special concert with a Piano Quintet from Victoria

Friends of Music is presenting a special concert with a Piano Quintet from Victoria.

The evening will be hosted at the home of Mike and Susie Moscovich on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

The quintet is comprised of Walter Prossnitz, piano, who is taking over as the head of the piano department at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, and is a friend to many piano enthusiasts in this area, having played here with the Victoria Symphony in the 1980s, and having given several concerts and master classes in the 1990s.

Pablo Diemecke, violin, and Larry Skaggs, cello, were last heard here in October 2011, when they played with the MacPherson Trio, and, earlier, with the Victoria Symphony.

Also performing with the quintet are Martine Den Bok, who has just completed a Master’s Degree in violin and Elizabeth Massi who is presently studying violin at the University of Victoria.

The programme is the Bach Concerto in A, the Franck Quintet in F minor, the Bach Concerto in F minor, and the Dvorak Quintet in A. As this concert is to be held in a home, only 40 tickets at $20 each will be available. You may purchase tickets by calling Kay Wilson, 250-923-4390.

Tickets will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

Campbell River Mirror