Open season on cinema

Season 10 of Open Cinema launches with the Canadian premiere of Symphony of the Soil.

Season 10 of Open Cinema launches with the Canadian premiere of Symphony of the Soil.

Symphony of the Soil is a new feature documentary by Deborah Koons Garcia (The Future of Food, 2004), who will be in attendance at the event.

In addition, there will be a panel of speakers including Robin Tunnicliffe, organic farmer and co-author of All the Dirt; Heidi Hermary of Gaia College and Alan Dolan of Alan Dolan Communications.

New for season 10, Open Cinema will be livestreaming the post-screening discussion on its live page on the Open Cinema website.

Mat Wright and Angela Hemming will also be moderating a live Twitter chat, so follow the hashtag #OCchats.

It all takes place Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad St. Admission is $15, tickets are available at

Victoria News