Chloe Juwon Kim takes a picture as she and 13 other local artists were given a tour of the Giant Cedars Boardwalk and Skunk Cabbage area as part of this year’s Art in the Park. This year the annual show is set in Mt. Revelstoke National Park. They will visit the summit of Mt. Revelstoke on August 11, after which it will be time to get working on their art in preparation for an exhibit at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre on from Nov. 9 to Dec. 1. The title of the show is Up Close: The Flora and Fauna of Mt. Revelstoke.

Chloe Juwon Kim takes a picture as she and 13 other local artists were given a tour of the Giant Cedars Boardwalk and Skunk Cabbage area as part of this year’s Art in the Park. This year the annual show is set in Mt. Revelstoke National Park. They will visit the summit of Mt. Revelstoke on August 11, after which it will be time to get working on their art in preparation for an exhibit at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre on from Nov. 9 to Dec. 1. The title of the show is Up Close: The Flora and Fauna of Mt. Revelstoke.

Photo: Up close in Mt. Revelstoke National Park

14 local artists enjoy tour of Mt. Revelstoke National Park in preparation for next Art in the Park show this November.

Chloe Juwon Kim takes a picture as she and 13 other local artists were given a tour of the Giant Cedars Boardwalk and Skunk Cabbage area as part of this year’s Art in the Park. This year the annual show is set in Mt. Revelstoke National Park. They will visit the summit of Mt. Revelstoke on August 11, after which it will be time to get working on their art in preparation for an exhibit at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre on from Nov. 9 to Dec. 1. The title of the show is Up Close: The Flora and Fauna of Mt. Revelstoke.

Revelstoke Times Review