Opening Nights runs at the ACTS Art Centre in Maple Ridge March 24 and 25.

Opening Nights runs at the ACTS Art Centre in Maple Ridge March 24 and 25.

RCTC close season with Opening Night

Norm Foster’s Opening Night, will be performed at the ACTS Art Centre in Maple Ridge March 24 and 25

The Royal Canadian Theatre Company’s final show of the 2016/2017 season comes to Maple Ridge this month.

Norm Foster’s Opening Night, will be performed at the ACTS Art Centre in Maple Ridge March 24 and 25.

Directed by Langley’s Ellie King, sport meets the theatre in a hilarious evening out from Canada’s most produced playwright.

The antics begin as Ruth Tisdale, a theatre lover, wins a pair of tickets to the opening night performance of a new Canadian play. It’s a dream come true for Ruth, and an imposition for Jack, as he’s dragged to the theatre to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. He would much rather be at home watching the seventh game of the World Series.

Jack and Ruth are mingling with guests before the show in the VIP lounge, when Jack spots someone he recognizes from T.V. Hilarity ensues, reaching its peak when the audience finally witness the ‘performance’ of what must be one of the worst plays ever written.

After the events both on and off the stage that fateful night, their lives and those of all involved are altered forever.

The shows runs at 7:30 p.m. on March 24 and 7:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on March 25.

Tickets are available online at

Langley Times