Reach holds costume challenge

The Reach is hosting a competition related to the upcoming Young Professionals Night that celebrates the fashion, design and music

The Reach Gallery Museum is hosting a competition related to the upcoming Diga Diga Doo Young Professionals Night that celebrates the fashion, design and music of the 1920s art deco era.

The Darb Garb Costume Challenge has two categories – “Fashion Designer: Best Design Category” and “Fashion Enthusiast – Best Costume Category.”

The first category is for individuals to design and produce their own 1920s-style attire, and the second category celebrates guests who don a 1920s-themed costume to Diga Diga Doo.

The event will be held Thursday, July 26 at 7 p.m. at The Reach, 32388 Veterans Way.

Entry deadline for the Darb Garb Costume Challenge is July 11. Entry forms, official rules and contest guidelines are available in person at The Reach or on the “signature event” page at

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