Registration opens for music festival

Registration for the 89th Annual Penticton Kiwanis Music, Dance and Speech Arts Festival is open until Jan. 19.

Ann Lu, Grade 11 student at Pen High, was selected from last year's competitors to move on to the Performing Arts B.C. Festival. She is currently working toward her ARCT performers exam in June 2016,

Ann Lu, Grade 11 student at Pen High, was selected from last year's competitors to move on to the Performing Arts B.C. Festival. She is currently working toward her ARCT performers exam in June 2016,

Students in Penticton involved in the arts of music, dance and speech will have an opportunity to showcase their skills at the 89th Annual Penticton Kiwanis Music, Dance and Speech Arts Festival starting March 6.

Registration for the festival opened on Dec. 1 and students have until Jan. 19 at midnight to submit their registration information at

The schedule for the festival will start with junior piano on March 6-8 at the Penticton Alliance Church with adjudicator Patricia Tao. Tao will also be the adjudicator for senior piano taking place at St. Savior’s Church from March 8-10.

Classical voice takes place March 8-10 at Penticton United Church with adjucator Elaine Case. The instrumental, strings and classical guitar category takes place March 11-13 at Penticton United Church with adjudicator Sylvia Lange and Dance takes place April 11-14 at the Cleland Theatre with classical adjudicator Curtis Foley. The stage adjudicator for the dance category has yet to be determined.

There will also be dance workshops on April 15.

Two final concerts will be held at the end of the festival, music highlights on April 24 and dance highlights on April 25, at the Cleland Theatre.

Solo winners of the festival will continue to the Performing Arts B.C. Provincial Festival in Powell River on from May 26-30.

Penticton Western News