Semiahmoo music director lauded

Not only did Semiahmoo students come away from last week’s MusicFest Canada with gold and silver awards and other recognition – their music department head was honoured, too.

Dave Fullerton was selected as this year’s recipient of the Dr. Keith Mann outstanding music director award – presented to him on stage at the Vancouver Centre for the Performing Arts.

The national festival – which celebrates concert and jazz bands, concert and jazz choirs and small ensembles of all kinds – brought more than 10,000 participants to Richmond May 16-20.

Fullerton said he and fellow band teacher Dagan Lowe are proud of their contingent of 275 students, who won awards in all categories in which they were entered, including gold awards for all four jazz ensembles and jazz combos (Grades 9 -12), gold for the Senior Wind Ensemble and silver for the Grade 9 Concert Band.

Among numerous honour awards were guitarist Andrew Skepasts (Grade 9 combo), alto sax player Richard Roberts (Grade 9 jazz band), drummer Matt Skepasts (Grade 10 jazz band) and guitarist Aaaron Buffie (Grade 10 combo).

Abby David and Jack Chia were selected for the National Honour Wind Ensemble, Alexandra Sandvoss and Ania Zarzycki were selected for the Yamaha All-Star Jazz band, while Toronto’s Humber College awarded $1000 scholarships to Marshal Herridge, David and Sandvoss and offered a $1,500 scholarship to Zarzycki.

“The students have worked very hard to do this well at a national level,” Fullkerton said. “We would very much like to find a way for these outstanding young musicians to be seen and heard in our community – we are presently looking for an opportunity to do so.”



Peace Arch News