Singing duo Sussana Hill and David Freeman will be performing at the Campbell River common

Singing duo Sussana Hill and David Freeman will be performing at the Campbell River common

Songs from off the beaten path

Two voices and one guitar and they hope to inspire, captivate, and raise the spirits of an audience

Freeman and Hill is a Campbell River folk music duo that performs “for the love of the song.”

They are two voices and one guitar and they hope to inspire, captivate, and raise the spirits of an audience through songs and stories. Catch the pair at Campbell River Common on Feb. 23 from 2-4 p.m.

This singing duo searches out folk songs that are ‘off the beaten path’ and then molds them into a unique form to present to a listening audience. If people pay close attention, the lyrics will take them on a journey through the human energy experience, and deliver them back into their day with a refreshed and more relaxed way of looking at life. It’s a mellowing type of performance. The Campbell River Common is donating the use of the centre of the mall, plus 50 chairs for this event.

Campbell River Mirror