Tapestry’s calendar girls give back

Armstrong's Tapestry Women's Choir, performing May 2, donates $5,600 to VJH mammography machine from sales of its calendar.

Calendar Girls is the theme for the Tapestry Women’s Choir spring performances, Saturday at Armstrong Bible Church.

Joining the women will be the Fireflies Children’s Choir, both of which are led by Deborah Mehes.

Tapestry is performing music to celebrate the months and seasons of the year, and is also celebrating the successful conclusion of its calendar campaign, which raised $5,600 towards the new digital mam- mography machine at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

The inspiration for the calendar came from the British film Calendar Girls, where a group of mature women pose in varying states of undress in support of a cause.

“Some of our braver ones volunteered to participate as pin-up girls under the artistic direction of fellow choir member Amy Bell, owner of Cherry Kiss photography in Enderby,” said Tapestry member Dorianne Kohl, a former model who is featured in the calendar. “After lots of fun and frivolity during numerous photo shoots, and with 13 local businesses as sponsors, the calendar went to press and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun was released to the community in August of 2014.”

The calendars sold briskly around the North Okanagan and even had to go to a second printing due to demand, added Kohl.

“The choir is justifiably proud of their efforts and grateful for the community support they received.”

Tapestry will present a cheque from its calendar sales to a hospital foundation representative at its concert, which will feature everything from an Elizabethan madrigal to a Celtic folk song, as well as jazz and musical theatre standards.

Two performances take place Saturday, May 2 at 4 and 7 p.m. Armstrong Bible Chapel is located at 2145 Rosedale Ave. Tickets are $12, available at the Brown Derby, Your Dollar Store and More, both in Armstrong, from choir members, or call 250-546-8308.


Vernon Morning Star