Michael Uslan

Michael Uslan

‘The Boy Who Loved Batman’ to visit Campbell River

Will tell his story and feature the silver anniversary movie screening of Batman in Campbell River

Michael Uslan,  also known as “The Boy Who Loved Batman” and the one who brought the superhero back to the big screen, will tell his story and feature the silver anniversary movie screening of Batman in Campbell River.

Batman executive producer and comic book historian Uslan will share how his determination and passion for comics drove him to secure the Batman film rights and produce many successful movies. The Campbell River Creative Industries Council (CRCIC) will present Uslan sharing his personal story, with a question and answer session prior to the silver anniversary movie screening of the original action/thriller Batman (rated PG13). Following the movie, Uslan will be available for book signing and autographs.

See Uslan Tuesday, Feb. 4 at the Tidemark Theatre. Tickets are $10.50, available at the Tidemark box office or online at www.tidemarktheatre.com . Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to wear their favourite Superhero costume, and there will be a prize for best dressed.

“Michael’s visit to Campbell River is a great opportunity for the community to learn the history of this blue collar boy growing up with comics and bringing Batman to the big screen,” says CRCIC’s President Shannon Baikie.

Joan Miller, INfilm Commissioner and CRCIC Director comments: “the story of ‘The Boy Who Loved Batman’ is highly entertaining and inspiring. I had the opportunity to meet and hear Michael last fall while in South Korea and took a chance and invited him to celebrate the movie’s 25th anniversary here in Campbell River.

“This is a wonderful event that we are pleased to bring to Vancouver Island.”

In addition to the Batman screening event, the CRCIC and its community partners have organized a Local Superhero contest. Visit and “like: the Local Superhero Contest Facebook page for updates.

Residents of all ages are encouraged to enter the contest by sharing who their Local Superhero is:

  • Submit a photo and short story (50 words or under)
  • Create a comic strip or drawing with explanations
  • Film a 30-second video clip

Send your entry to contest@rivercorp.ca . Contest closes at noon, Friday, January 31, 2014.

Top submissions from each category will be posted to the Facebook page.

The winning entries will be chosen by the organizing committee prior to the Feb. 4 event. Each Superhero-themed prize package will include two tickets to Uslan’s presentation and the PG13 Batman screening at the Tidemark. Any contest winners 12 and under will receive an age-appropriate prize package.

Campbell River Mirror