The Secret Voyage of Aladdin comes to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society presents Aladdin: The Secret Voyage, on Oct. 7 with two one-hour performances on Sunday afternoon.

Aladdin: The Secret Voyage, plays the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 7.

Aladdin: The Secret Voyage, plays the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 7.

Full of costumes and fantastic puppets, children of Chilliwack will be drawn into the entertaining story about a boy whose father left on a voyage to find an enchanted kingdom and was entranced by a witch.

Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society presents Aladdin: The Secret Voyage, on Oct. 7 with two one-hour performances on Sunday afternoon.

It’s the first show in the Kids Series, and Story Theatre Company once again has created a performance full of warmth and humour with this classic story retold for today’s audience.

Blending tales from The Arabian Nights, the story brings together Aladdin and his Lamp as he embarks on an odyssey to rescue his father.

There’s an enchanted island, a powerful sea witch, and a magic carpet, which makes things magically captivating.

This kid-friendly production is funny, flashy and colourful, all things that young kids are drawn to. The actors are having just as much fun as the audience, and it shows, as the troupe creates an energetic and fun filled show.

It uses a combination of music and interactive games, to tell the story of Aladdin The actors work in tandem to pace the show in a way that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Aladdin: The Secret Voyage, performing at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 7 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Tickets are only $10 for a show children will love. Call the Centre Box Office at 604-391-SHOW(7469)

Chilliwack Progress